the wolves think they're lions,
the lords think they're
the guilty think they're innocent.
If you mess with those who transform themselves into the apostles of light they will kill you. Oh it wouldn't look that way. There is a pyramid of
authority among these leaders who have all worked hard to qualify for
their position. Scratch under patina and you will find
a continual record of deception. That is how they qualify to their
superiors.We're not talking about how they qualify to their followers, a lower subset of delusion. One Reformed pastor said this prayer to Satan at his grand daughter's baptism 11/23/15: "we pray oh Lord that you will not destroy us." But he will, that's Satan's
desire. Yahweh's desire is to rescue us, protect us, love us, and he
plans to give us hope. But the leaders who say all the right things say them well, even if sometimes the true meaning slips, as happened at this cursing charismatic men's conference:
"We are all part of the body and when you speak DEATH about one of its members you are speaking death to your ownself. Do not touch God's anointed with words of death because you will eat of them." This while they do that very thing. If you criticize the man you will be buried.This doctrine is drummed at men's retreats, prayer meetings, offerings and sermons. Early in his career, or maybe it was high school, a cop left a scar on Bibby's forehead, (pseudonym) with a billy club. This was bandied about in the early 90's with the info that the cop died. When the most favorite associate pastor of those years, a sycophant who continually pronounced how beautiful his Mary was, finally began to question the finances, he was removed and died of asthma in Colorado. The chief usher of those years, named in suits, his son committed suicide. And at that time, if the text ever came around to the facts, the physical giants around him, Randy, Dan and the prophet Miller would intervene until the devil himself came out in the sermon and spoke.
All this has become more obvious with the awareness of pedophiliac orphanages, boy scout abusers, perverted news sources. Who these are it could be dangerous to say, but where ever
you see corporate and religious figures hobnobbing and cavorting with
government they are 100% in attendance. Public prayer for governors, presidents,
visits to ailing senators and candidates, flies to honey. Welcome to
the leaders of the church of the wheat and the tares. Pretty much everything about them is fake except they have a real talent of misdirection. If they say they have advanced degrees it is erzatz.
Their malevolence of their words enforce themselves self reflexively, that is they say they are protecting themselves from their enemies, but their malevolence gives them enemies.Wheat and tares sown together may be different kinds, lower and upper case. Wheat are not aggressive, they have what they seek and they seek to serve, perfect fodder for the tares. Tares Upper Case have choleric tempers and massive insecurities, use moral and spiritual and physical blackmail. Weeds are aggressive, psychotic and sociopathic and will curse you after they blessing. They are Men of Renown in the making, without question, criticism. The weakness they call strength attracts followers with fear the way a flame attracts a moth. Of course the energy of the delusion must be strong to provide the energy these prophets need to sustain it. They work very hard to attain egregori status, for only the best and brightest qualify. When they come to the attention of the pyramid for whatever reason they are offered initial contacts and contracts to further prove themselves in their hope to move up the ladder. It's important to realize that the most spiritual, the best singers, the most gifted speakers have furthest progressed. The Leader of song, worship, praise is after all their inspiration.
How many conman renegade charismatic apostolic pastors live
in the Phoenix? At the opening of the World Church Wheat and Tares girls
beating their hands like butterflies smiled at us. The further in the more
evil/good appears. Sister Theresa in her last half hour a money machine for the
Vatican. If fictions eschew the evil/good horrific, they could get in trouble
like medievalist John Gardener in his Moral Fiction (1978). If you have a peculiar
regard of enthusiast religion, genuine transcendence and where it leads in the
world, you are going to see the angel are against mixing.
Van Gogh Wheatfields The Wheat Fields is a series of dozens of paintings. In 1876 he was assigned a post in Isleworth, England to teach Bible classes and occasionally preach in the Methodist church. in southern Belgium where he nursed and ministered to coal miners. There he obtained a six-month trial position for a small salary and preached in an old dance hall and established and taught Bible school. In 1885 Van Gogh described the painting of peasants as the most essential contribution to modern art. The digger and ploughman are symbols of struggle to reach the kingdom. Contrast this with Michelangelo who celebrated the heroic, the men of renown, the hybrid gods, empire, therefore renamed, Micelangelo. It takes some getting used to see these for what they are, not models of excellence, but rulers of the darkness of this world and their henchman who in Psalm 149 are the nobles fettered with iron, the kings bound with chains who have executed on them the judgment, which honor all saints have to execute His vengeance in the song, on the powers of the air, to the glory of HalleluYah.
It is the nature of weeds to be aggressive. Sheep among wolves. Tares and wheat, Leaven. “We are not the farmer and we are not the servants. We are the crop.” The weeds growing are not simple weeds but close counterfeits. False wheat. “Since the poisonous weeds look so much like wheat, do the weeds know that they are weeds? Do the weeds believe Wheatfield with Sheaves 1885 themselves to be wheat? And since weeds traditionally rob the soil of nutrients and are aggressive at taking over the space in the plot of land, and since the weeds are often said to “choke” the plants, wouldn’t Wheatfield with lark, 1883 aggressiveness be a sign of weedness rather than wheatness?” Bishop Owles. Roman law prohibited sowing darnel among the wheat of an enemy. The field is the world but St. Augustine pointed out that the invisible distinction between "wheat" and "tares" also runs through the Church: He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. the parable of the Leaven indicates.[5]
Even with all the controlling, money grubbing practices of their liberating prosperity what they really do to get it is imaginably worse. I however had spent serious efforts to find it out, why I don’t know, but I cultivated an informant who was in the heart of the beast and then removed. That night I took him and his wife to dinner, beginning a long series of visits and conversations. He had high govt contacts, also with the law, even clandestines, had been asked in that day to serve in a presidential cabinet, but turned it down. When his accounts jibed with what I could see they were the more believed. In this world symbol is as important as fact. This “church” occupied the ground floor of an office bldg in Scottsdale near the airport but the second story was occupied by the offices of Frank Luka Associates. I went up there once with the informant and saw his pictures with all the presidents on the walls, but the symbol of this office ruled over the church, being its heaven above, which came into reality with a vengeance, but along the way he had tales of shopping bags of cash, breakins apprehended by police but bought off with influencee, the prophet Miller and his own youth pastor proving his loyalty. This was the church of Meadowlark Lemon, Hits Galore, Frank Luka, served by John Avanzini who had the gift of fleecing, the gift of getting la money, checks addressed to HIM, mob bosses, musicians of Jesus Christ superstar, affinity fraud, 300 investors out of $11.4 million Tuscon Citizen, 6 Jan 1998.’
However, the final judgment will be the "ultimate
turning-point when the period of the secret growth of God's kingdom alongside
the continued activity of the evil one will Peasant Burning Weeds 1883
be brought to an end, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear," which
occurs after biblical passages with a hidden meaning (see Luke
14:34-35 and Mark
According to non-literal readings of Jesus's explanation, "the children of the evil one" and Wheatfield with Crows 1890 "the children of the kingdom“ are something else than humans. Origin: the devil sows tares— that is, evil opinions— over and among natural conceptions… those who become conscious that they have received the seeds of the evil one in themselves shall wail and be angry against themselves; for this is the gnashing of teeth.
( "Very revealingly, CFTN's 'Vision' page lists their Top Ten goals, NONE of which are to see sinners saved; the focus is on bigger and better, and enlarging their sphere of influence globally, with "an army of Kingdom ambassadors" sent out to take the 7 mountains of culture. To provide covering for (i.e. NAR Apostolic control over) no less than 10,000 churches worldwide is their Number One goal. On the 'Vision' page is also to be found their self-proclaimed raison d'etre. Is this perhaps to proclaim the Gospel, and feed the sheep that they may grow in grace? Well, actually, no. "CFTN exists to help every person discover the divine destiny God has prepared for their life... we are committed as a church to help people discover God's dream for their life." CFTN is not just Dominionist, but also "Purpose-Driven!" Rick Warren will surely be very proud of his proteges.
It should also be mentioned that CFTN boasts that "must-have" hyper-Charismatic phenomenon of "Healing Rooms," affiliated to Cal Pierce's 'International Association of Healing Rooms' based in Spokane, Washington, a re-birth of the ministry of false teacher John G. Lake. "Apostle" Cal Pierce is another NAR "A-lister," a member of its exclusive 'International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders.' (ICAL's 2017 Annual Congress in Dallas this November is apparently going to be launching "The 3rd. Reformation!")
Tracing the ever more disturbingly toxic flow further upstream, we find that in the '90s Michael "Mike" Maiden was Lead Pastor of 'Eagle's Nest Christian Embassy' in Scottsdale, Arizona, the scene of a major financial scandal. In July, 1996, the 'Tucson Citizen' reported:" in
St. Gregory of Nyssa “Scripture means by the good seed the corresponding impulses of the soul, each one of which, if only they are cultured for good, necessarily puts forth the fruit of virtue within us. But since there has been scattered amongst these the bad seed of the error of judgment… the seed of anger does not steel us to be brave, but only arms us to fight with our own people; and the power of loving deserts its intellectual objects and becomes completely mad for the immoderate enjoyment of pleasures of sense… Therefore the Husbandman leaves those bastard seeds within us, not for them always to overwhelm the more precious crop, but in order that the land itself (for so, in his allegory, he calls the heart) by its native inherent power, which is that of reasoning, may wither up the one growth and may render the other fruitful” St Macrina; Van Gogh painted wheat fields: Hidden meanings? Wheat Field with Crows? Yvonne Korshak analyzes the painting and reveals various images hidden throughout the canvas. These images include a giant bird filling the sky, a "cloud presence" and a Gabriel-like trumpeter within the clouds (shown in the detail at right)
The pastors say tares are there to practice our tolerance, that maybe they will see who they are. Tare DNA is fixed as wheat and only want to take over, have dominion.
John Macarthur How the Church Growth Movement Invokes Demons. Egregoris, collective mind, thought form. Demonic influence will be maximized when change agents have succeeded in manipulating the membership into a collective group mind.
"We are all part of the body and when you speak DEATH about one of its members you are speaking death to your ownself. Do not touch God's anointed with words of death because you will eat of them." This while they do that very thing. If you criticize the man you will be buried.This doctrine is drummed at men's retreats, prayer meetings, offerings and sermons. Early in his career, or maybe it was high school, a cop left a scar on Bibby's forehead, (pseudonym) with a billy club. This was bandied about in the early 90's with the info that the cop died. When the most favorite associate pastor of those years, a sycophant who continually pronounced how beautiful his Mary was, finally began to question the finances, he was removed and died of asthma in Colorado. The chief usher of those years, named in suits, his son committed suicide. And at that time, if the text ever came around to the facts, the physical giants around him, Randy, Dan and the prophet Miller would intervene until the devil himself came out in the sermon and spoke.
Their malevolence of their words enforce themselves self reflexively, that is they say they are protecting themselves from their enemies, but their malevolence gives them enemies.Wheat and tares sown together may be different kinds, lower and upper case. Wheat are not aggressive, they have what they seek and they seek to serve, perfect fodder for the tares. Tares Upper Case have choleric tempers and massive insecurities, use moral and spiritual and physical blackmail. Weeds are aggressive, psychotic and sociopathic and will curse you after they blessing. They are Men of Renown in the making, without question, criticism. The weakness they call strength attracts followers with fear the way a flame attracts a moth. Of course the energy of the delusion must be strong to provide the energy these prophets need to sustain it. They work very hard to attain egregori status, for only the best and brightest qualify. When they come to the attention of the pyramid for whatever reason they are offered initial contacts and contracts to further prove themselves in their hope to move up the ladder. It's important to realize that the most spiritual, the best singers, the most gifted speakers have furthest progressed. The Leader of song, worship, praise is after all their inspiration.
“You can start harvesting as soon as the
wheat seeds pass the milk stage, although the grains will need to dry up and harden
a bit before they're ready to eat.” At first, the wheat seeds will exude a
milky substance just like sweet corn does when it's ripe, but then the
punctured seeds will stop oozing (although they will still dent under your
It’s all a
giant spiritual prostitution racket.of the Rectiles.
is when the devil decides to create the Empire and the cult as his last, desperate assault. John clearly demonizes the
Empire and those tempted to accommodate that if they
join in that worship, they will be involved in worship. That puts the evil and the empire into evangelical (Stam, adapted, Revelation). Evangelicals worry the way tech billionaires do that they are in the matrix, the simulation syndrome. If you are one then here is a test: unexorcised catechumens
should check out the duality world in the empty spaces above: the
actual empire, cult and worship. Whatever that means.
Fall of the Evangelical
the unspeakable psychic depredations of war, removing noses, destructing manhoods, the ears of enemies slung across jeep
windshields in bandoliers (Bowden), all the presidents give the devil
sign. With a smile. This is dictated under cover of
freedom and liberty, where the best are the worse, so far the worst that
they are held up as heroes when they are cartoons of the new order, give lip service to Christian and
American truths while they betray them everywhere. These are the Elders of Infamy, of military, corporate background who
will evict any pastor who does not meet their prejudices.How many sermons allude to ice age/global warning, CERN, Chem trails, Monsanto hybrids, which amounts to collusion with corporate/state opinions enforced by the whole societal, philosophical, religious structure. In the church
where the following edict occurred anyone who wanted to volunteer, even
for usher, was required to fingerprint and have a background check against data
bases. A pastor how opposes these beast
tactics will be let go:
--"Over the past several months it has become increasingly apparent
that the elders’ vision for the
church is significantly different from the pastor’s
vision for the church and both the elders and the pastor are discerning
that the relationships have become
strained to the point that effective ministry
seems impossible and it is best to pursue separate
directions. His last Sunday with
us will be June 18th after which we will have a farewell
gathering. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your
FEMA has
appointed thousands of evangelical pastors to herd the flock into camps
and centers, Fusion Centers, in a crisis. But churches were already
infiltrated with controls masked as patriotism and of course tax relief.
Fourth of July rivaled Halloween maybe or Christmas. Ex military
tradesmen long conditioned to Sempi Fi were loyal to death even when
crash investigators died of lung cancer, Navy commanders from asbestos
poisoning, airmen from swollen hearts. These are just family members.
They were expendable, not even given purple hearts, to support a preset
of attitudes not so different from Stuart England, Victorian England,
Windsor reptiles. Requirements have long been in place preventing free
political/social speech in churches if they want tax exemption. So Hillary announces she
thinks of becoming a Methodist pastor. As a control our investigators went to the generic opposite of the reformed, the Mennonites, where "the
prayers and preaching never said the name of Jesus, only euphemisms,
"God's son" and "the son of God." They had a slogan on the wall that
said they were "God's Troublemakers." Their cousins the charismatic prophets were supplanted waiting for the return of Christ
for waiting for the signs of
In modern terms the Old Testament and Egyptian practice of cutting the nose and ears off captives to humiliate and destroy them is symbolic. The loss of the ears indicates the loss of intuition, one who cannot hear and the amputated nose one who has lost the scent of discernment. They were already blind. These symbolical vestiges of the Code of Hammurabi are called Rhinotomy, ancient punishments for adultery of the unfaithful woman, hence applied to captive Israel and the captive evangelical prosperity church. When Russian premier Putin calls Pope Francis "not a man of God. At least not the Christian God. Not the God of the Bible" he shows the pot calling that kettle black; the Pope called President Trump not a Christian because he would build a wall like the one that surrounds Vatican City, the most ensconced fortress in Europe.
Fall of the Evangelical




In modern terms the Old Testament and Egyptian practice of cutting the nose and ears off captives to humiliate and destroy them is symbolic. The loss of the ears indicates the loss of intuition, one who cannot hear and the amputated nose one who has lost the scent of discernment. They were already blind. These symbolical vestiges of the Code of Hammurabi are called Rhinotomy, ancient punishments for adultery of the unfaithful woman, hence applied to captive Israel and the captive evangelical prosperity church. When Russian premier Putin calls Pope Francis "not a man of God. At least not the Christian God. Not the God of the Bible" he shows the pot calling that kettle black; the Pope called President Trump not a Christian because he would build a wall like the one that surrounds Vatican City, the most ensconced fortress in Europe.
--Hillsong and its ilk are results of the
seduction, just not as obvious which sounds the difference between the human seduction and power of the Renowns. they will not be understood. Doing volunteer work for Sally the worker-inmates told me they had been ordered to install a mirror on the ceiling of the director's bedroom above the bed.
The gruesome thing is too damn Telekamp and Wilson parties named, while in the background Telkamp donating his mint restored 54 Chevy to the church at the same fundraiser chaired by some prophet where the guy gave his talking book rights worth 100 k. David Heckathorne another conspirator, named in background for payoffs. Bobby Bolsano was a blonde on the worship team, her husband used to pray laying full face on the stage at 6 am prayer meeting I was given Chuck Blodgett’s prayer request to intercede and then met him because Luka asked me to find a map of the old Scottsdale airport to give him, before the pyramid fell and the buildings with the financial paster, all dramatic events and meaningless and vain, not necessary, like the four events staged by TBN with smoke machines and lights where one night the trumpet player Phil Driscoll was to share the TVstage with Kim Clement but he never let go the mike and it was all him, front and center stage, then he apologized at the end! Called it the anointing. It’s like I say I'm sorry if I won’t be pulled down to the mire. I’m not sorry, I refuse to spend a lot of dream time wandering the warehouses of old eagles nest and phx first assembly.
The gruesome thing is too damn Telekamp and Wilson parties named, while in the background Telkamp donating his mint restored 54 Chevy to the church at the same fundraiser chaired by some prophet where the guy gave his talking book rights worth 100 k. David Heckathorne another conspirator, named in background for payoffs. Bobby Bolsano was a blonde on the worship team, her husband used to pray laying full face on the stage at 6 am prayer meeting I was given Chuck Blodgett’s prayer request to intercede and then met him because Luka asked me to find a map of the old Scottsdale airport to give him, before the pyramid fell and the buildings with the financial paster, all dramatic events and meaningless and vain, not necessary, like the four events staged by TBN with smoke machines and lights where one night the trumpet player Phil Driscoll was to share the TVstage with Kim Clement but he never let go the mike and it was all him, front and center stage, then he apologized at the end! Called it the anointing. It’s like I say I'm sorry if I won’t be pulled down to the mire. I’m not sorry, I refuse to spend a lot of dream time wandering the warehouses of old eagles nest and phx first assembly.
Brothers, Jacob
and angel of Esau, Abel and Cain, the two Enochs. Perez and Zerah –
Judah’s daughter-in-law, Tamar, widowed, did not want to be childless, wrapping her face in a veil and disguising herself as a prostitute. She
intercepts Judah on the road and he sleeps with her. The result of their union
was Perez and Zerah (Genesis 38:12-30). From Perez would come the family of
David (Ruth 4:18-22).
Ephraim and Manasseh –not directly
stated that the two sons of Joseph and Asenath were twins, but there is
reason to believe they were. First, Genesis mentions they were both born
“before the year of famine came” (Genesis 41:50). Second, two conceptions are
not mentioned in the text. Third, if they are twins they fit nicely into the
pattern seen in the lives of Isaac and Judah: both their younger twins
inherited the birthright, just as the younger Ephraim was blessed first by
Jacob (Genesis 48:19). Jacob promised that both Ephraim and Manasseh would
become patriarchs of a multitude, which began a traditional blessing said in
Israel: “God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh” (Genesis 48:20).
11/23/17 evil in Young Goodman Brown satirical or real? The
evil in the good. The preaching of strife in Paul. Salvation even in the midst.
We are so utterly caught in our own web but at the same time
it is also somehow wound around us too. It becomes synchronist when we realize this, that it is both our own choosing and
something more. So if you have a peculiar history in some regard, say
enthusiast religion stemming from genuine experience of transcendence, and you
start to seek where it leads in the world then you are going to come up against
the more beautiful counterfeits that also somehow do you good. Like chaff.
-- En media res the Eagles
Nest Christian Embassy said of itself after those horrific scams on N
Hayden Rd that it was going to reinvent itself. Who after all wants to be
associated with affinity fraud, bond scams, empire real estate deals and vague
mob connections? So on 12/5/98 or thereabouts it announced a new name, a new
building, a new location a new beginning after Isa 43.19 “Behold I will do a
new thing!” The equivocation of Isaiah was not his doing. “God has miraculously
given us a new building” announces Dr. Michael Maiden senior pastor, who had go
doc in psych online, who had derided psych all the years before, but got this
to salve his depression at being caught redhanded in the many scandels of
Eagles’ Nest. This new beginning was called the North
Church, after a church in Dallas the illuminsts had used to pick him up,
because as it was proven later, he was chosen in the building of empire. Same
old, same old, no wonder though that sowing and reaping pretelly repeated itself in the new building,
Frank Luka being replaced by Hits Galore, into whose hq the church moved. c/o
Jeanette B. Wilcher Life Foundation trust “found guilty of wire fraud and six
counts of money laundering” 16 Apr 2006. Hits Galore HITT. All these
people are and were well loved, personable as any Charlie Rose and as honest,
respected as Dustin Hoffman, you know how it goes.
Walking up the sidewalk with all the other parishoners at Hillsong Phoenix,
past the girls welcoming us with beating hands like butterflies was nice, but
they smiled at those ahead and behind. I was that out of the demographic, a war
baby, one of born before, three during and one after the war. I remember the
strafing, the bombs, but inside don’t feel severe at all, but full of laughter.
The further you go into these religions the more the evil/good appears. Sister
Theresa in her last half hour realized she was a money machine for the Vatican.
But the good/evil exterior hides an inside horrific.
with all the controlling, money grubbing practices of their liberating
prosperity what they really do to get it is imaginably worse. I however had
spent serious efforts to find it out, why I don’t know, but I cultivated an
informant who was in the heart of the beast and then removed. That night I took
him and his wife to dinner, beginning a long series of visits and
conversations. He had high govt contacts, also with the law, even clandestines,
had been asked in that day to serve in a presidential cabinet, but turned it
down. When his accounts jibed with what I could see they were the more
believed. In this world symbol is as important as fact. This “church” occupied
the ground floor of an office bldg in Scottsdale near the airport but the
second story was occupied by the offices of Frank Luka Associates. I went up
there once with the informant and saw his pictures with all the presidents on
the walls, but the symbol of this office ruled over the church, being its heaven above, which came into
reality with a vengeance, but along the way he had tales of shopping bags of
cash, breakins apprehended by police but bought off with influencee, the
prophet Miller and his own youth pastor proving his loyalty. This was the
church of Meadowlark Lemon, Hits Galore, Frank Luka, served by John Avanzini
who had the gift of fleecing, the gift of getting la money, checks addressed to
HIM, mob bosses, musicians of Jesus Christ superstar, affinity fraud, 300 investors out of $11.4 million Tuscon
Citizen, 6 Jan 1998.’
Averill, a Wisconsin woman, lost $1 million in Luca’s scheme after she was
referred to him by Glenn Miller, [prophet Bill Hamon’s son in law] a self-proclaimed traveling pastor
specializing in ”biblical economics” who knew Luca through the Eagle’s
Nest.””We learned the good lesson not to trust easily,” said Averill. ”He took
the true word of God and twisted it.” It’s a little like the Clintons, those
who criticize and you die. Jerry Jones was the long time assistant pastor who
always introduced the service with how beautiful the pastor’s wife was, he did
the baptisms and marriages too. A perfect syncophant, but one day into the Luca
fraud he made a query about the accounts and the books, and the next thing he
knew he was out with his wife Sandy. He died a couple years later in Colorado
at altitude, not having his asthma meds with him. This its typical preaching of
that era, touch not the Lord’s anointed, which was the subject of the Pastor’s
Randy, White Wolf now with Hillsong, brother in law as well as the Prophert Miller at the men’s retreat.
All who did so died. The Head ushers son, the cop that hit the pastor with his
billyclub, Churk Blogettt. 'Jerry Jones book, building marriages for
life."See Impact Church Scottsdale. All overblown and fraudulent as the
time Meadowlark Lemon had men come forward to receive his athletic anointing. Compared to Connie Hawkins, a real item.
Van Gogh Wheatfields The Wheat Fields is a series of dozens of paintings. In 1876 he was assigned a post in Isleworth, England to teach Bible classes and occasionally preach in the Methodist church. in southern Belgium where he nursed and ministered to coal miners. There he obtained a six-month trial position for a small salary and preached in an old dance hall and established and taught Bible school. In 1885 Van Gogh described the painting of peasants as the most essential contribution to modern art. The digger and ploughman are symbols of struggle to reach the kingdom. Contrast this with Michelangelo who celebrated the heroic, the men of renown, the hybrid gods, empire, therefore renamed, Micelangelo. It takes some getting used to see these for what they are, not models of excellence, but rulers of the darkness of this world and their henchman who in Psalm 149 are the nobles fettered with iron, the kings bound with chains who have executed on them the judgment, which honor all saints have to execute His vengeance in the song, on the powers of the air, to the glory of HalleluYah.
It is the nature of weeds to be aggressive. Sheep among wolves. Tares and wheat, Leaven. “We are not the farmer and we are not the servants. We are the crop.” The weeds growing are not simple weeds but close counterfeits. False wheat. “Since the poisonous weeds look so much like wheat, do the weeds know that they are weeds? Do the weeds believe Wheatfield with Sheaves 1885 themselves to be wheat? And since weeds traditionally rob the soil of nutrients and are aggressive at taking over the space in the plot of land, and since the weeds are often said to “choke” the plants, wouldn’t Wheatfield with lark, 1883 aggressiveness be a sign of weedness rather than wheatness?” Bishop Owles. Roman law prohibited sowing darnel among the wheat of an enemy. The field is the world but St. Augustine pointed out that the invisible distinction between "wheat" and "tares" also runs through the Church: He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. the parable of the Leaven indicates.[5]
Even with all the controlling, money grubbing practices of their liberating prosperity what they really do to get it is imaginably worse. I however had spent serious efforts to find it out, why I don’t know, but I cultivated an informant who was in the heart of the beast and then removed. That night I took him and his wife to dinner, beginning a long series of visits and conversations. He had high govt contacts, also with the law, even clandestines, had been asked in that day to serve in a presidential cabinet, but turned it down. When his accounts jibed with what I could see they were the more believed. In this world symbol is as important as fact. This “church” occupied the ground floor of an office bldg in Scottsdale near the airport but the second story was occupied by the offices of Frank Luka Associates. I went up there once with the informant and saw his pictures with all the presidents on the walls, but the symbol of this office ruled over the church, being its heaven above, which came into reality with a vengeance, but along the way he had tales of shopping bags of cash, breakins apprehended by police but bought off with influencee, the prophet Miller and his own youth pastor proving his loyalty. This was the church of Meadowlark Lemon, Hits Galore, Frank Luka, served by John Avanzini who had the gift of fleecing, the gift of getting la money, checks addressed to HIM, mob bosses, musicians of Jesus Christ superstar, affinity fraud, 300 investors out of $11.4 million Tuscon Citizen, 6 Jan 1998.’

According to non-literal readings of Jesus's explanation, "the children of the evil one" and Wheatfield with Crows 1890 "the children of the kingdom“ are something else than humans. Origin: the devil sows tares— that is, evil opinions— over and among natural conceptions… those who become conscious that they have received the seeds of the evil one in themselves shall wail and be angry against themselves; for this is the gnashing of teeth.
-The enemy sows the tares. Jacob have I loved but Esau I
have hated written from beneath, not above, shows how Jacob cheated E and
feared him before their reunion. But Jacob sought in a prayer that E would not
kill him and prevent the promise. Many layered.
Desani sang with one arm around Beth, more or less in her
ear, but sang the wrong words in the choruses in a tenor sometimes on key. That
was the way they sang the hymns there. In addition to the wrong words he was
vain enough to hope that if this was a prophetic place they would call him out
for what he was, or what he thought he was, well not thought, fantasized, you
know of his greatness, but of course this could not happen, not because he was
or was not great, both equally true, but because if it were prophetic it would
be of itself, of its own social order and his ability was to benefit that, not
himself. Maybe he was a potential elder, of infamy, or maybe he was a rich-o to give the six figure. That my friends gets an invite from the
YOUKNOWWHO. But since he wasn’t he
don’t, which came in the spell when the third hit on his lobe made all the
motives and beings jof men so open and plain. He could have read Romans and
found out the same, but ewho would believe this body of sin and death. Yes this
a guy to go to church, or visit.
--Only to those immersed in the web, seduced from their
identity, is any of this unbelievable. The believers outnumber the observer,
they are willing to compromise every sense impression out of a desire to do
good, whatever good is to countenance embezzlemet, abuse , exploitation,
profittaking. And the irony is is does them some good. Who knows what doubts and
faith the soul must redeem itself from, what reparation
--Welcome to Phoenix you live in the middle of the greatest
ersatz civilization you can imagine.We went to Hillsong Phoenix because I saw it on myreturn from reconnitor Grant St
Studios. Identified most with the 2 Az rangers in uniform outside with
guns. They had a nice smoke machin and stars on the wall papers on the side,
not leftover from the First Prsbyterian Church that there used to be. It has a
closed, confined entrance to the
sanctuary symbolic of that era, not useful for emergency evac. What do the
stars mean? Prison tatoos? Recognition to those who know, who will know, along
with other signs, Fiji water on the
pulpit, not drunk from. All the ushers beat a statacco with their hands. The
service is choreographed, programmed. When the video sermon calls for response three times the praise time on the
right front seated together give it, but it is not live, it is in the program
because they have rehearsed, seen the responsed points before. No spontaneous.
Walking to the service on the streets, greeters begin to enthuse the crowd from
the sidewalks. This works for the audience was overwhelmingly millennial, but
that they are in church is amazing in itself. There is container of water in
the lobby with plastic glasses. It has a slight sweet taste to it. Just to be
on guard.
--Hillsong is the closest America can come to revival,
little beating butterflies. Canned? but not as canned as the bottle of Fiji
water on the podium throughout the sermon, never used however, just sits
sthere, as a symbol. The leader one is leaning beyond the Millenial demographic
but to remedy had a face lift and looks chiseled good, also slender. Of the
principals, the sermon on the Lord’s prayer is remembered for his promising to
give his grandson all the sugar in the house, and to take him toToys or Us to
fill the cart with goods, thrice. Oh what. President T opened a bottle of Fiji
and the news said he had small hands but it was
symbol of the pedo roll up indictments of the DNC, Fiji Fiji being a player, says Liz Cronkin. “When they
pastored in Tulsa. They would have everyone throw up into bags to get rid of
bad spirits, attitudes or something bad.” This is straight from the Carol and
John Arnott Toronto Blessing playbook and is of the more extreme Pentecostalism
(the vomiters bray like donkeys, dance like chickens, claim gold particles have infiltrated their
bodies, build fire tunnels and promote
violent seizures and uncontrollable fits of maniacal laughter.)” disqus
Monotomic. So it implicates Marc Driscoll being groomed for
Phx status so …can go national? Randy Wolf runs the Mesa Song.
60 pastors on the
Elijah list went to see the Pope riding John 17 as their beast( "Very revealingly, CFTN's 'Vision' page lists their Top Ten goals, NONE of which are to see sinners saved; the focus is on bigger and better, and enlarging their sphere of influence globally, with "an army of Kingdom ambassadors" sent out to take the 7 mountains of culture. To provide covering for (i.e. NAR Apostolic control over) no less than 10,000 churches worldwide is their Number One goal. On the 'Vision' page is also to be found their self-proclaimed raison d'etre. Is this perhaps to proclaim the Gospel, and feed the sheep that they may grow in grace? Well, actually, no. "CFTN exists to help every person discover the divine destiny God has prepared for their life... we are committed as a church to help people discover God's dream for their life." CFTN is not just Dominionist, but also "Purpose-Driven!" Rick Warren will surely be very proud of his proteges.
It should also be mentioned that CFTN boasts that "must-have" hyper-Charismatic phenomenon of "Healing Rooms," affiliated to Cal Pierce's 'International Association of Healing Rooms' based in Spokane, Washington, a re-birth of the ministry of false teacher John G. Lake. "Apostle" Cal Pierce is another NAR "A-lister," a member of its exclusive 'International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders.' (ICAL's 2017 Annual Congress in Dallas this November is apparently going to be launching "The 3rd. Reformation!")
Tracing the ever more disturbingly toxic flow further upstream, we find that in the '90s Michael "Mike" Maiden was Lead Pastor of 'Eagle's Nest Christian Embassy' in Scottsdale, Arizona, the scene of a major financial scandal. In July, 1996, the 'Tucson Citizen' reported:" in
St. Gregory of Nyssa “Scripture means by the good seed the corresponding impulses of the soul, each one of which, if only they are cultured for good, necessarily puts forth the fruit of virtue within us. But since there has been scattered amongst these the bad seed of the error of judgment… the seed of anger does not steel us to be brave, but only arms us to fight with our own people; and the power of loving deserts its intellectual objects and becomes completely mad for the immoderate enjoyment of pleasures of sense… Therefore the Husbandman leaves those bastard seeds within us, not for them always to overwhelm the more precious crop, but in order that the land itself (for so, in his allegory, he calls the heart) by its native inherent power, which is that of reasoning, may wither up the one growth and may render the other fruitful” St Macrina; Van Gogh painted wheat fields: Hidden meanings? Wheat Field with Crows? Yvonne Korshak analyzes the painting and reveals various images hidden throughout the canvas. These images include a giant bird filling the sky, a "cloud presence" and a Gabriel-like trumpeter within the clouds (shown in the detail at right)
The pastors say tares are there to practice our tolerance, that maybe they will see who they are. Tare DNA is fixed as wheat and only want to take over, have dominion.
John Macarthur How the Church Growth Movement Invokes Demons. Egregoris, collective mind, thought form. Demonic influence will be maximized when change agents have succeeded in manipulating the membership into a collective group mind.
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