Saturday, August 31, 2024

Excavate the Caucasoid


Excavate the Caucasoid

Preliminary report on the behavioral  experiment we ran of your Anthropology 2005

To Messers M, S &G:

The preliminary report on the behavioral  experiment we ran on your Anthropology site is enclosed under separate cover. Notice here serves as acknowledgment to your members of their participation Your names remain anonymous. Briefly restated, the purpose was to mimic traditional fieldwork, isolate a community, present a conflict and analyze the response from a single day, a holiday if possible. You recall that our goal was a population of 50 responses. This was reached.

The final report will appear elsewhere.


This tyranny of authority, of agreement in science, intellectual fascism

Such strong displays of emotion and rejection mask serious defensiveness and insecurity. Evidently the idea of excavating the Caucasoid self is intolerable. On one side of the ditch where we are excavating your "community" is on the other side filling in the hole.

 If am guilty of facetious thoughts they are not poetic. Maybe in scrolling communities I should have gone past anthropology to archeology. Dig up the brown guy, dig up the black guy, dig up the short guy. But the intellectual Caucasoid is the holy subgroup. Tamper with his grave at your own risk. I am laughing at your gang. You put on the clothes but there's nothing inside but petulas.

If you think this writing in any way poetic that is because yours is. Listening to the sound of your own voice has passed on this thread.

You say "people have asked" that "we already know that in this community." This vanishing "knowability" you speak of, that subjectivity makes our theory of knowledge "extremely precarious," cultural study "inherently unstable" are all ways of saying no, no, no, I cannot bear to look at the thing.

You charge me for not offering any resolution to the "globalization of whitening." The Resolution here however is to excavate the Caucasoid. Instead of denying that deal with it. Dig him up, that white onion (this is a metaphor). The good thing is he is accessible, you sleep with him, you eat with him. He is you. He's in your family, in your home, in your school. He doesn't live abroad in caves. You know I think you should love him too, just as much as you would any bushman.

Evacuating Science

Science, they say, has no subjective meaning, but what else does the modern have but his so-called science? Two directions spring from this. The first, as in Kuhn's Theory of Scientific Revolutions, concerns the middle echelons of science which establish protocols out of mutually held ignorance turned into peer dogmas, through which must pass all "science" which these referees then co-define.

The other direction occurs with a creative thinker in some field whose work is panned by these "peers," but which eventually turns out to be ground breaking. This work is first labeled nonsense. Our interest here turns on the subjectivity of these two directions. 

The first class is a good worker but who has no independent judgment. Neither has "he" much subjective life. Do not ask what is a subjective life. See the Science of Anthropos. Lacking this subjectivity the worker scientist fills his emptiness with dogma. But the creative thinker takes the subjective as his text and discovers from it that new foundation. In such matters there is no difference between the Caucasoid and the rest.

Exemptions must always be granted to these creative minds. They tend to see the other as the self. Immense empathy may open their minds. Their hearts, whether white or black, their skin, whatever the ethos, whatever the field of study, even if they’re English, their hearts are not empty and their minds are not filled with science. Competency in your specialty should be granted. To debate the validities of subjectivities a mass evacuation is being scheduled.

The modern thinks himself superior. If he gets connected to a freundschaft a lot of emotions are aroused, but they are his own and of his own people and if he thinks a lot about it he can in some ways approach it. But he will never approach another tribe in another culture except as a foreigner.

You are saying that we are, or should all be, at least folk anthropologists. But what Brit culture approaches the Amer native? Pueblo elders are keen on preventing the entrance of modernity, which, again generalizing is in sum, the white man's heart [of darkness]. That heart is woefully lost, especially in its exploration of the [foreign] native, except in a case where it seeks to connect to its own origins. Is there any way you view those origins as "primitive?"

If the white science of anthropology seeks to find in the other old what it has demythologized and lost in itself it is truly parasitic.

So much more to say on this. What shall we do, excavate the Caucasoid?


If we go with the English example it is evident that to England the animus is not just against the native, it is against the foreign. Every culture ever penetrated by the English was considered foreign to them in large and in small. In Wales the Welsh street names are crossed out on the signposts and graffitied into English.

The larger point about our Caucasoid is that he is THE modern paradign:


It takes some doing to argue this in the face of his defensiveness. Exceptions aside, the greater point is not about the English, that's just an example, or even about the Caucasoid, it's about THE MODERN.

Biology is as lost as psychology about it.

Is there a Caucasoid culture that has contradicted the cultural war against all other cultures?

Is there a possibility of a "pueblo modernity?" The two are impossibly opposite. To be Hopi is to speak Hopi, live Hopi, respect Hopi. There is no room to be Hopi and be modern. A "modern" Hopi is denatured.

Denaturing the Hopi or any other group by the Caucasoid and by the Modern is the point.

Steal the heart! Steal the nature and replace it with modernity. Then you are all done being Hopi or Zuni or Navajo. Modernity is a diffusion of the FOLK. The children of the modern are so lost in the DARK MODERN HEART they think modernity is an identity.


What is the sound of a guinea pig squealing?

A lot of priceless information , misunderstanding of language, bored teenagers, assumptions of the poetic, Marxism, racism,

Single recommendations include an age limit of 30 to protect the immaturity of the members and stated conventions of discourse on name calling.

You are of course correct about full disclosure. To mimic however means in imitation of, that is, it is not just exactly like the real thing, certainly, as you point out, in any traditional fieldwork sense. I'm sure you appreciate that. Also, and importantly for the success of the exercise, and since the experiment is now closed it does no harm to reveal this, it was conducted undercover. Perhaps this has occurred before.


In all fairness, how else would such amazing posts have been elicited from such obviously specious logic and details? I thought before the fact that the exercise belonged more in a psychological setting, but the principals picked the forum. I'm just doing my job. I certainly wish all of you the best. The real work now begins in analyzing the data which is not exclusively my task. I am however to consult in it and perhaps write the final report. Objectively, the data itself would answer all your questions.

If you want a look at the preliminary report please let me know and I will see if they will allow its release to you.

Mass Evacuation

Debate the validities of subjectivities. What else does the modern have but his so-called science? A mass evacuation is being scheduled.


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